If youre going to do something, I believe its worth doing it well. And since 2006 when FlashDen first went online, one of our goals at the Marketplaces has been to build the best creative marketplace online.

Early on we made a key decision that the best marketplace would be the one that had it all. From photos and music to themes and plugins. We believe that people who make creative projects need all kinds of things. So the best marketplace would be one where they could get everything they needed. This would also help us enable the greatest number of authors to sell their work.

For years now weve been pursuing this strategy, broadening out the categories, adding new content types and making sure that we have the biggest, broadest selection of creative stuff anywhere.

In broadening so much, we also created a lot of challenges for ourselves. Each of these markets has very specific needs, whether its licensing for music or item support for themes. To cater to such a full market, weve had to take a one-size-fits-all approach. Thats gotten us a long way, and to some extent will always be a part of our strategy. But being too generic doesnt sound like the best creative marketplace either.

So this year were beginning a greater shift towards specializing aspects of our Marketplaces to specific needs. This is part of a larger effort to pull up the overall user experience to match our leading market position!

Senin, 02 Februari 2015 Sports
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  • Clara Anatasya Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

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    • Admin Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

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    • Admin Rabu, 09 Mei 2018

      Donec sit amet dolor non odio porttitor tincidunt sit amet sed erat. Sed tristique gravida ligula. Vestibulum vel nulla et neque mattis efficitur non nec lorem.

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